General overview

In line with our vision statement to produce world class programmers to satisfy the growing programming need in the world,we go beyond just training, we also provide the necessary tools and resources (ranging from Laptops, softwares and learning materials) required to gain full knowledge of programming just at the comfort of your home. Dedication,integrity,sincerity are the watch words for our members.

At the main time the SunTech code club offers just three(3) training tracks to get our passionate programmers started on the journey of tech empowerment.

Training benefits:

  • Opportunity to join SunTech business group and get paid for executing projects from the comfort of your home.
  • Opportunity to Attend at-least two Local and one International Conference to expand your network and grow your business
  • Capstone project where you Create an Ecommerce website and start selling imported goods from US and Canada through your website.
  • Train the Trainers – You will be eligible to become an accredited SunTech In-House resource person in any state or country (both Local and International) – Must be willing to Travel
  • Business Branding – Start your own Web or App Agency business from the comfort of your home by leveraging SunTech Brand, Network and Resources.
  • Career fulfillment – Become a better you by empowering others just as you are been empowered!

Our training track

Core Development

  • Involves writing Native codes like HTML, CSS, Javascript, Php and the rest
  • Takes more time to get started fully (Min of 6 Months)
  • Best suited for people with Computer Science background

Template Development

  • Involves leveraging on templates developed by core developers Example WordPress Templates
  • Takes less time to get started fully (Min of 3 Months)
  • Best suited for non-computer science individuals

Accelerated Development (Recommended)

  • It’s a SMART combination of Core Development and Template Development
  • Strictly offline training – Face to Face and takes a min of 3 weeks to complete
  • Best suited for IT Enthusiasts and Business Focused Individuals

Our Refund Policy

  • 100% Money Back Guaranteed!
  • We use a Student – Supervisor – Mentor (SSM) Feedback loop to ensure quality training